Full Calendar

The calendar function is useful if you want to visualize events in your tables on a calendar and be able to perform custom actions on those events like view or add new records by date clicks.

You can display calendars anywhere from dashboards to custom pages.


  $title = "My Calendar",
  $calendar_query = '',
  $card_size = "col-md-12",
  $card_collapsed = "No",
  $event_action_code = '',
  $date_action_code = '',
  $initialView = 'dayGridMonth'


The showFullCalendar accepts 7 parameters and we shall elaborate what each one does below:

  • Title- This is the title of the calendar

  • Calendar Query- Use the $calendar_query parameter to specify a query for fetching calendar events. The query should include the following fields: id, name, color, start_date, and end_date. Ensure that your query retrieves these essential fields for proper calendar functionality.

  • Card Size- This is a bootstrap size class for determining the size of the calendar, default is: ol-md-12

  • Card Collapsed- Weather the card should be collapsed by default, the default state is No

  • Event Action Code- This is JavaScript code to be executed on event click

  • Date Action Code- This is the JavaScript code to be executed on date click

  • Initial View- The intiial calendar view, default value is: dayGridMonth, alternative values include:


Example Usage

echo showFullCalendar('All Orders By Order Date',
"SELECT id as id, Company_Name as name, DATE_ADD(Event_Date, INTERVAL 1 DAY) as start_date, 'orange' as color, FROM table WHERE Company_Name IS NOT NULL",
'//On event click: redirect to view clicked event record ID
//Construct the URL with the eventID variable
const url = `admirodev/app/admiro_view?p=table_view.php?SelectedID=${eventID}`;
// Create a new anchor element with the constructed URL
const anchor = document.createElement("a");
anchor.href = url;
//Simulate a mouse click on the anchor element
const mevent = new MouseEvent("click");
//On date click: Add new record with date fields default: clickedDate
const url = 'admirodev/app/admiro_view?p=table_view.php%3FaddNew_x%3D1%26date=' + clickedDate;
const anchor = document.createElement(\"a\");
anchor.href = url;
const mevent = new MouseEvent(\"click\");

Output sample

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