Statistics Counter Card
The stat counter card is useful when you want to display critical or important statistics with comparison figures as well
The statCounter card has up to 10 parameters that we will dive into details below
Title- The title of the card
Total Value- The numeric grand total value to be displayed
High Value label- This is the label of the comparison high value
High Value Number- This is the numeric value of the comparison highest value
Low Value Label- This is the label of the comparison low value
Low Value Number- This is the numeric value of the comparison lowest value
Progress Color- This is the color of the progress bar displayed, values can be: primary, secondary, warning, danger, info, success
Progress percentage- This is the percentage of the progress bar can be from 1-100
Card Size- This is the bootstrap card size class default is: col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-12
Link- This is the link which the user will be redirected to upon clicking on the card
Example Usage
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