Statistics Counter Card

The stat counter card is useful when you want to display critical or important statistics with comparison figures as well


statCounter($title="Statistics",$total_value="100",$high_value_label="Profit",$hig_value_number="119",$low_value_label="Loss",$low_value_number="100",$progress_color='primary',$progress_percentage="40",$card_size='col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-12',$link='#')


The statCounter card has up to 10 parameters that we will dive into details below

  • Title- The title of the card

  • Total Value- The numeric grand total value to be displayed

  • High Value label- This is the label of the comparison high value

  • High Value Number- This is the numeric value of the comparison highest value

  • Low Value Label- This is the label of the comparison low value

  • Low Value Number- This is the numeric value of the comparison lowest value

  • Progress Color- This is the color of the progress bar displayed, values can be: primary, secondary, warning, danger, info, success

  • Progress percentage- This is the percentage of the progress bar can be from 1-100

  • Card Size- This is the bootstrap card size class default is: col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-12

  • Link- This is the link which the user will be redirected to upon clicking on the card

Example Usage

echo statCounter('Total Sales', '3,000', 'Profit', '1200', 'Loss', '1000', 'success', '30', 'col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-12', '#');


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