Data Card

In this theme we have 7 dedicated data card widget functions that you can use in your dashboards and custom pages.

We will proceed to see the structure of the functions below:

dataCard1($card_title = 'New Orders', $card_value = '2,435', $card_icon = 'fas fa-shopping-basket', $card_color = 'warning',$target_link='#',$card_size='col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-12',$img_icon='')


  • Card Title- This is the title of the data card

  • Card Value - This is the numeric value to be displayed on the card.

  • Card Icon- This is the font awesome icon class to be used to display an icon on the card

  • Card Color- This is a bootstrap color class eg : warning, primary, secondary, danger, info, dark

  • Target Link - This is the link user will be redirected to if they click on the card

  • Card Size - This is a bootstrap grid class for the card size default is: col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-12

  • Image Icon- This is the optional image icon path name to be used, if provided the card will use the image icon instead of the font awesome icon.

For the function names, you can use either:

dataCard1, dataCard2, dataCard3, dataCard4, dataCard6, dataCard7, dataCard8

Example Usage

echo dataCard4('Total Customers', sqlValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customers"),'fas fa-users','success','http://localhost/admirodev/app/admiro_view?p=customers_view','col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-12')


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