Welcome Banner
The welcome banner, is a useful widget that can be creatively used on the main dashboard to welcome a user to your app and display some useful information to get them started or to show any other info you wish.
The welcome banner has 5 parameters that we will explore below
Title- The title of the welcome banner
Body- The body content of the welcome banner
Link- The URL of the button on the welcome banner
Link Text- The text to be displayed on the welcome banner button
Link Target- How you wish the link to be opened, either on same page or a blank new tab possible values: _self, _blank
Example Usage
The welcome banner is capped at 4 cols in the bootstrap grid therefore you need to wrap it within a row and use the remaining 8 cols to display other things. We will se example below:
In the above example , welcomeBanner function has been placed inside a row and we can see in the row we have a col-md-8 to take up space for other components to fill up the 12 cols in bootstrap grid. Below is the output of the above.
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